Interaction, Sound, Lights, Mapped Video

Artists: Ryan Edwards and Savvas Spyridopoulos

Role: Lead Programmer, Technical Consultant

Commissioned by the Boston Society of Architects, this piece was a collaboration between Ryan Edwards and glass artist Savvas Spyridopoulos. The BSA hosts an annual expo at the Boston Convention Center and was interested in a non-commercial intervention on the trade show floor. Along with a team of software, musical and hardware technicians the team developed a system to hang the glass cymbals, trigger interactivity and score music and light to respond to pedestrian interaction.

Software/Systems Used: Max/MSP, Arduino, Logic Pro

First Run:
Boston Society of Architects Annual Expo, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
Oct 29- 30, 2014

Some clips from testing days:

And some pictures from the event:

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