Arduino Guitar MIDI Controller

Something I have been working on, especially for my live set with ODP is to get MIDI control on the guitar – be able to send note and CC messages while playing the guitar to start/stop loops, change scenes, etc.
Now while I was mainly thinking of this from a control perspective, it also offers the chance to create some new textures in new ways.
I sat down to do a small demo using an ebow, having mapped various effects and parameters, as well as a looper, to the buttons and sensors I had put on the guitar. These were connected to an Arduino board which was sending messages via USB, to a patch I wrote in MAX that would read these serial values and convert them to standard MIDI values (buttons for Note messages, and sensors for CC messages).
The effects are running in GuitarRig, and the whole setup is in Ableton with MAX sending the values over to it.

Next steps include a few more sensors (an FSR and a soft pot on the neck, and maybe an IR near the bridge) as well as building a solid enclosure for the buttons/arduino section.