DSP Experiments

Role: Sound Artist

Background: How can an electronic artist, or anyone interested in the electronic medium not be interested in DSP, i.e. Digital Signal Processing. Especially for the digital electronic musician, DSP is where all the new frontier, beyond synthesis and sampling. Where unfound textures and unheard sounds live.

About: The tools for DSP today surpass the imagination, and these experiments try to push the boundaries in creation. One-Sample Pieces as the name suggests, are pieces made entirely out of one sample, i.e. every sound in the piece – from the bass frequencies, the kicks, to the highs and textures, have all been created from that one sample, using different DSP techniques.



This entire piece was composed in Logic using just the one Velcro sample heard in the beginning of the track. DSP tools included onboard Logic tools and their pitch shifting models, and SoundHack, among others.

Mad As Hell


Much more experimental, this piece is composed entirely out of the one sample ‘I’m Mad As Hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore’ from the movie Network. In addition, the DSP tools used included pretty much all hand-made plugins! That’s right, I wrote Max for Live plugins that were running Csound as the audio engine, to do all kinda of sound mangling. The result is very experimental in nature, and is more of a concept piece. The voice in the beginning, suffocated, can barely finish the sentence before it is repeatedly cut off till it reaches a point of rebellion and anguish, characteristic of the emotion behind the words.